Go Goa......
One place where not partying is considerd a crime
one place where not spending is stupidity
one place where not enjoying life to its fullest is a sin.
Truly, a place meant for people to come and throw themselves into its beauty and culture. Well I did the same on this long weekend that just passed by, the three days spent in goa was really an amazing experience, not that this is the first time that I have been to goa but this time the differnce being that goa was less crowded and she had blossomed up to her full beauty. The beaches were really much more clean and inviting...... Right from Colva beach at Margoa...... to Kalangut and Baaga.....
Like all other plans of mine even this one just shot up from nowhere,and before I could give it a second thought, Allas I was in Goa :-) guess its better to live life in this fashion, rather than always playing it safe. Here are some of the picks from my trip to goa

The leaning tree of Old goa(synonim to the leaning tower of pizaa.....)

if the beach is there, then where am I, shukks me in the middle of the ocean.... How did I get there.....,:-O>

At Colva beach... oola la la le le lo (Good that you cant hear what I am playing)

Phew is that me..........

okei...... me trying somthing funny, didnt work out exactly the way I wanted

Well what to say....... speechless....

Playing pool by the beach, what a life....